North Ayrshire Conservatives whose 10 Members form the Opposition in North Ayrshire agreed to support the Budget proposed by the Administration.
We could not support the Labour proposals which would mean Council Tax being spent on Energy generation, Community Wealth Building and other projects with which we did not agree and would have greatly increased the deficit for the following year and perhaps contribute to a 20% Council Tax Increase.
Although we have political differences with the SNP, it is important for the electorate for us to work together, to agree on a sensible budget moving forward.
We agreed that the Council approves the recommendations set out in the report, subject to the amendments noted below;
a) Approve the earmarking of the balance of underspend to provide revenue investment during 2023/24 of up to £1 million in the North Ayrshire Roads infrastructure and any further balance of underspend to provide additional emergency support funding to citizens through the Council’s Energy Smart Scheme
b) Increase PCN charges to the maximum level - £150,000
c) Remove Christmas lights savings proposal - £35,000
d) Remove free food waste liners saving - £22,500
e) The Balance of £92,500 to contribute towards the underspend position
This means more money for pothole repairs, an increase in PCN charges to £100 to control indiscriminate parking, support for Christmas lights, a continuation of waste food liners and a contribution to the underspend fund - and a decision to cap the increase in the 2023/24 Council Tax to 5%.